Ryantony Exuma

Q&A with Senior Ryantony Exuma

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

“I usually wake up around 7:30 a.m. on most weekdays; if I have a free first period, I sometimes sleep a little longer and wake up at 8:45 a.m. On weekends, I’m usually up by 10 or 11 a.m. [First,] I check my phone to catch up to what’s going on. And then I like to mentally plan out my day in a very general way—what classes I have, who I have to meet with, what I’m doing after school, and how I’m going to get home—in order to have some idea of what I can expect throughout the day. I really prioritize being as organized as possible and planning ahead.”


What do you eat for breakfast?

“I often get something from Commons; usually, it’s a corn muffin, a donut, a lemon loaf (or two), or some home fries. I have some coffee too, even though it doesn’t actually work for me; more so because it tastes good. Tea is absolutely awful. When I don’t have school, pancakes, Nature Valley Granola and milk (it’s better than cereal, trust me), or Sausage, Egg & Cheese on a roll are common choices.”


When did you start attending Poly, and why?

“I came to Poly in the 9th grade in September 2018. I remember the first time I visited the campus. I was just mesmerized by everything that was here—it was so different from my middle school and I felt that if I could succeed at Poly, it would be a launching pad for my goals in life. There was and is just so much to do and I really cherished an environment like that: one that had so much to offer and leverage on your way to achieving your goals.”


What is your favorite thing about Poly?

“I say this all the time when asked this question, but I think my favorite thing about it has been the opportunities available here and the community. I may have my problems and issues with Poly, but I know that the opportunities I utilized and the connections I fostered here will help boost me toward a successful future after I leave Poly. The community with which I’ve interacted at Poly has been very uplifting and supportive of me, my goals, and my future. Teachers, whether they’ve taught me or not, my dean, and so many others always offer to lend a helping hand or give a bit of helpful advice and counsel while the friends I’ve made here are inspirations for me and help me improve myself and accomplish whatever I put my mind to.”


What are your roles at Poly?

“I have quite a few roles at Poly. Some of my more obvious roles are Student Body President and Co-Leader of Umoja. However, I’m also a Co-Head of Public School to Poly and I participate in Admissions Open Houses and events as much as I can. I take on a lot of responsibility and involvement because I want to craft Poly into a place that works for as many people as possible. I know firsthand the feeling of being in such an initially unfamiliar environment so I believe that I should do as much as I can to illuminate the way for prospective and current students while leaving the school and the community better and more united than I found it for those who succeed me.”


What are your interests and hobbies outside of school?

“Outside of school, I love to learn history, either through documentaries, articles, podcasts, videos, etc. People think history is boring, but I can assure you that it’s actually so interesting and captivating, especially when you are making your own discoveries and learning new things on your own. I also really love playing video games. I’ve been playing since about 2012, when my parents got me my first console, an Xbox 360. The first game I played on it was Halo 3 and I’ve been playing…since I had saved up money from my summer job and I just bought this really cool looking Halo Infinite Limited Edition Xbox Series X with a few games for it and I’m having a great time! 

When I have a lot of free time, like no school on a weekday, I love to explore the nearby area. For example, I once took the MetroNorth up to Poughkeepsie just to explore that area and the Walkway Over the Hudson. It was a wonderful trip away from the sometimes monotonous and repetitive hustle and bustle of the city. I’ve been planning to make a trip up to Rail Explorers USA, which is this rail network that you can explore on a railcar with a small group of people. In addition to all that, I’ve taken a great interest in discovering the stories in music; many of the songs we listen to have stories or lessons in them and I enjoy finding the meaning in them. “Sympathy for the Devil,” “The Last Resort,” “Hotel California,” “Take It Easy,” and “Born in the USA” are just a few with some really captivating stories, lessons, ideas, and/or warnings.”


What time do you get home from school?

“Most days, I’ll be home by 7:15 p.m. But I sometimes stay late at school until about 8:30 p.m. to get homework done (because I know I may slack off at home) and on those days I get home around 9 to 9:30 p.m.”


What is your favorite thing to eat for dinner?

“It really depends on the day. Sometimes, it’s a burger and fries. Other days, maybe a burrito bowl or a grilled chicken caesar salad. Around the holiday season, lasagna and shepherd’s pie are really good options. Most days, though, I would always go for some good mac and cheese. I can never get enough of the thing. Additionally, I make it a priority to have a little bit of dessert every day after dinner. Some M&M cookies from Insomnia Cookies are always a good choice; through that love of dessert, I’ve cultivated a small list of some great bakeries around the city and especially in Brooklyn.”


What do you like to do every night before bed?

“I like to either listen to music or a podcast (usually about history or politics) before I go to bed. I turn off the lights (I can never sleep with light coming from somewhere) and listen; with music, it’s usually very calming while the podcasts are a great way to trigger your imagination. You can really envision and immerse yourself in the situation/scenario that the podcast is detailing. I’m also a really bad overthinker; I can spend an hour or more just overthinking and envisioning elaborate dreams or situations and just pondering about it all.”


What time do you go to bed?

“I just want to say beforehand (before you read the answer) that I never go to sleep early; the earliest I’ll be in bed is maybe 11 p.m. Most school days though, I go to bed around 1 or 2 a.m.”