First Coffeehouse Makes A Splash

Chloe Guedes-Smith, Contributing Writer

Students and faculty gathered in the library to attend the first Coffee House of the year, an event dedicated to showcasing the talented art students at Poly on November 9. 


Performers ranged from freshmen to seniors to faculty. Poly uses this environment as an opportunity for student artists to showcase their talents. It is always a supportive space that was filled with laughter and cheering. There was hot chocolate, cookies, and fruit to go along with the performances, all of which were a big hit. Freshman Lucy Goldberg said the hot chocolate was wonderful and that “the cinnamon tang in the beverage complimented the environment very well.” 

Coffee House allows for all different types of performances — from singing, to visual art, to dance — creating a space for artists to showcase their talents and celebrate their accomplishments. People in the audience know that it takes a lot of bravery to perform, so everyone’s top priority is to be a supportive and encouraging crowd. This reassuring environment helps performers have an easier time performing, such as senior Cinthya Sanchez. “It’s a really supportive environment,” agreed Sanchez. “The second you come off that stage everyone is howling.” 


The performances allow the people taking the stage to connect with the audience and share an aspect of them that others might have not known about. Goldberg attended the event and was surprised by her classmates’ ability that she hadn’t seen before. “I’m so glad I came because I saw the talent in my classmates that I had no idea about,” Goldberg said.  

When asked about why he was interested in Coffee House, Poly freshman Felipe Santiago said,  “I share my talents with others and … show that you can have fun playing music.” This was his first time performing and he felt very proud of himself because he shared his music with others.

“It makes me happy to make others happy and playing music is a way that I can do that.” Santiago said. 

Although Jared Winston, Director of Student Life, wasn’t originally planning to perform he found himself reading a poem halfway through the event. “I write poetry so having the opportunity to share a poem with those in attendance tonight felt like I was sharing a part of myself,” he said.