Sunday Routine: Ms. Guynn

Nyjáh Harrison, Layout Editor

When navigating being a teacher, advisor, and coach, one must be an expert in the art of multitasking and balance. Middle and Upper School Computer Science teacher and coach of Poly Prep’s Robotics Team Kristin Guynn demonstrated her multitasking prowess as she spoke about her Sunday routine without breaking a sweat during a game of tennis. However, contrary to the hustle and bustle of her day-to-day life, Guynn uses Sundays to catch up on some much needed TLC.

Guynn’s mornings begin naturally around seven or seven-thirty. “I would be lying if I said that I had much of a routine when it comes to anything but wash day,” she said, which is reflected in her flexible Sunday mornings. After waking up, she’ll lie in bed until around ten, before beginning to do whatever is on her agenda that day. Around twelve, Guynn starts thinking of breakfast. Breakfast takes a backseat in her mornings as a vegan who “can’t indulge in pancakes and bacon the way [she] used to.” Occasionally, she will go through the laborious task of making pancakes from scratch, but sometimes she just doesn’t “have that kind of energy.” In those scenarios, fruit, Grubhub, and avocado toast are her go-tos.

During the afternoon, Guynn really leans into relaxation. She’ll watch T.V., nap, or even enjoy a nice bike ride if the weather permits. Most importantly, she’ll “mentally prepare for Monday,” where responsibilities await.

Guynn ends her day “with a little bit of sadness and a delicious meal.” After a very fluid day, she closes out Sundays with a structured night routine to prepare her for the Monday looming ahead. “All screens are off by 10, no matter what,” she declared. She starts getting ready for bed, whether it’s brushing her teeth or taking a shower. Once in bed, she meditates, sometimes reading afterward if she has the energy. If she doesn’t have the energy, Guynn is usually “knocked out mid-meditation.” It’s only fitting that a person who wears so many hats in the Poly community would have a Sunday routine focused on centering her energy.