Arnelle Williams is a faculty member of the English department, club advisor, and the DEIB coordinator at Poly Prep of three years.

When asked what inspired her to become an English teacher, she said, “it just fell into my lap.” Unsure of her career path, Williams attended a program called Teach for America, which places recent college graduates around the world to teach. “Through that experience, I developed a love for teaching,” she added.
Williams believes Poly should hire more faculty from different backgrounds to diversify the community. By employing this initiative, a sufficient number of teachers will be available to advise affinity groups and foster connection with the diverse students attending the school, one aspect Poly prides itself on. Williams also advocates for Poly to promote more of the DEIB work (such as…) the students do at the school, to ensure a student’s education is comprehensive of their diverse cultures, experiences, and events, such as school trips and projects.
Williams’s favorite part about being the DEIB coordinator is interacting with a range of students and teachers, even if she wouldn’t normally work with them. Currently, she is helping advise Christian affinity with Basketball Coach Michael Junsch. “It has been rewarding because it is students she usually doesn’t teach, but she gets to learn a different side of them,” said Williams.

Her favorite part of teaching English is how there is “never a dull moment. Kids interpret the stories very differently and always have a lot to say about the characters, so I find myself fascinated by what the kids have to say.”
Her favorite part of being a Poly teacher is coming to campus every day, and seeing her colleagues, students, and the faces of people who show up to work hard.