Introducing the MS Play: The Pushcart War
January 4, 2023
This year the middle school’s winter play is The Pushcart War. The play is an adaptation of a children’s novel of the same name that was popular in the 1960s-1980s. The play was set in New York City and follows the lives of five pushcart owners: Old Anna, Maxie, Frank the Flower, and Harry Hotdog. The pushcart owners are having issues with trucks because both groups use the streets of New York to keep their businesses afloat. In an effort to keep their territory and support their businesses the two trucks and the fight for the streets of New York City which starts the pushcart War.
For our interpretation of this play, the plot and lines in the show were kept exactly as is but we changed the formatting and set-up of some scenes to integrate as much humor and entertainment as possible throughout the play. Andrew Cooper-Leary, the new middle school drama teacher, is directing the play. We hope everyone comes to support and watch our production on December 15 at 7 p.m. in the Richard Perry Theater.