The Polygoon: A New Satirical Publication


Danielle Jason, Layout Editor

Have you been wondering “7 Reasons to Choose Unkindness this School Year?” Or maybe the ten best items on the “Secret Menu of Commons?” If you’ve been to the Library or the Oval recently, there’s a high chance you’ve seen a copy of the Polygoon, Poly’s new satirical publication and “4th most reliable news source.” The Polygoon stems from the imagination of senior Emily Mansfield. In an email to the Polygon, Mansfield explained that the idea for the publication arose during winter break: “My friends encouraged me and after receiving permission from Mr. Winston and several other members of the administration, we got going.”

Junior Chantal Guthrie is a fan of the Polygoon. “It’s playful on a public scale in a way that we don’t see very much at Poly,” said Guthrie. Guthrie continued that the publication “gives people a common ground for conversation” with its lighthearted subjects.

Mansfield says the ideas for stories arise organically when joking around with friends. However, from time to time, she gets stopped in the hallway with topic ideas or inquiries about when articles on certain topics will be published.

Junior Nyjáh Harrison finds the Polygoon “clever and interesting.” Harrison said that it fills a gap of humor and satire found in other publications at Poly. “It’s good to just be able to have a laugh,” Harrison concluded.

Maybe you’ve seen the article written about “Poly’s resident vampire,” Director of Service Learning, Elijah Sivin, or the article about our “robot Head of School,” Audrius Barzdukas, and are wondering how the Polygoon gets permission to publish these stories. Mansfield said that “whenever we mention or quote a faculty member or student, we’ll ask that person for permission to use their name or picture.” Mansfield continued that if any faculty members or students are uncomfortable with the piece, the Polygoon “of course won’t publish the article with their name attached to it.”  

At the moment, Mansfield is the only editor for the publication. She also manages the website and layout for all printed issues. The Polygoon also has “eight other writers that work on the Polygoon with [her]. However, anyone can write on the Polygoon, if interested,” according to Mansfield. Writers can send in articles to Mansfield, which she then edits and approves for publication. In the recently published issue of the Polygoon, look out for stories on English teacher Carmelo Larose’s secret twin, what really happens on professional development days, Assistant Head of School for Academics, Michal Hershkovitz’s initiative to make Poly a safer place to fart, a satirical review of the Rienzi ceremony, and many more. If interested in writing or getting involved with the Polygoon, email [email protected]