Wait, What? Whitney’s Going Where?

Davidson (second from left) and other history department members dressed up as suffragists for Halloween.

via Virginia Dillon

Davidson (second from left) and other history department members dressed up as suffragists for Halloween.

Goodbyes are never easy, especially when they must be said to people who have played such an important role in all of our lives. So it is with great sadness and heavy hearts that the Poly community bids goodbye to a beloved and cherished history teacher, Whitney Davidson, who has been teaching at Poly since 2007.

Davidson has worked in the history department, teaching not only history classes at every grade level including senior electives such as Women’s History, but also using her talents to create new electives like Social History of Disease.

Fellow history teacher and history department chair Michal Hershkovitz said, “Davidson’s departure represents an enormous loss for the History Department, where she has been a remarkably gifted teacher, brilliant collaborator, and cherished friend. It is nearly unfathomable for us to imagine a day without her inspiring lesson plans and wry humor to guide us in the work we do. We have all learned so much from her and will treasure the memories of working and laughing together. New Jersey students have no idea how lucky they have just become; our loss is truly their gain.”

Davidson is adored by her students for the patience, creativity, and energy that she puts into all of her classes. She will no doubt be remembered for her vibrant approach to teaching. Freshman Victor Levy said about Davidson, “she is a challenging teacher who truly cares about her students’ success. I’m going to miss seeing her in class.”

Senior Lotoya Francis said, “I seldom come across teachers that captivate students the way she does with only her knowledge of the material and her loveable spirit. Poly will truly be a different place without her unique cat themed slideshow presentations and her fierce passion for feminism and infectious diseases.”

Davidson has not only devoted her time to teaching, but also to founding the Recycling Squad, a club founded in 2008 which encourages freshman to take an interest in sustainability and learn about community service while spending time with friends and helping out at the school.

Davidson calls herself the “Founder, CEO, CFO, and Benevolent Dictator” of the Recycling Squad. “It is the original Squad,” she said.

Davidson has also worked as an advisor for the Honor Council, a position in which she has helped Poly students evaluate and determine appropriate punishments when students have violated the Poly honor code.

Davidson’s legacy will remain at Poly in the forms of the Recycling Squad, her class, the Social History of Disease, and the role she played in the Honor Council. However, it is the memories and the indescribable impact that she has had on the community that has made her not only a valued teacher and advisor but also someone who will be dearly missed.

For over seven years, Davidson has shared her enthusiasm, intelligence, and wonderful personality with her students, colleagues and those who have had the privilege of meeting and working with her. There is no doubt that the impact she has had on the community will not be forgotten.