Dr. Brogdon DEPARTS
Assistant Head of School and Academic Dean Lori-Anne Brogdon
Assistant Head of School and Academic Dean Dr. Lori-Anne Brogdon will leave Poly at the end of the year to become Head of School at the Catherine Cook School in Chicago.
After graduating from Poly herself in 1995, she returned as the Lower School science teacher in 2000. The Lower School Head at the time, Maureen Walsh, had admitted her to Poly when she was nine years old.
She said, “The year I graduated was the year Poly had acquired the Lower School. It was an unfamiliar building to me, yet when I started working there, I felt instantly connected to the teachers and the program.”
Brogdon returned to the Dyker Heights campus in 2012 to serve as the Head of Middle School.
She said, “It was amazing. I realized a dream come true, working in a place I loved with teachers who shaped me into the educator I am today.”
Even while keeping up with this difficult job, she was able to earn her EdD from Columbia. Next, she moved up to Assistant Head of School and Academic
Dean in 2016.
In the Head of School Audrius Barzdukas’ email of November 30 announcing Brodgon’s departure, he said “Lori-Anne’s experience as a Poly student in-
forms her thoughts and actions as an administrator—whether practicing the kindness she learned from Marie Corkhill in Middle School to taking charge of curricular plans based upon her experience as the stage manager on the Upper School musicals to finding fun and laughter at school because she knew from experience that Commons trays make excel-
lent toboggans after snowstorms. Lori-Anne always put students first because she learned how to do so from her education right here at Poly.”
While Brogdon carried what she learned as a student to her experience as a teacher, she did not stop learning when she became an educator.
She said, “The biggest lesson I will take with me is that, no matter your age, you are capable of teaching others. Each person within a community has a voice and they should be heard and considered.”
Throughout her time as an educator she has taught a wide variety of courses ranging from elementary classes to Upper School AP classes.
Barzdukas said that Brogdon “worked closely with faculty to strengthen programs and curricula, supported professional development, and prioritized interdisciplinary learning and opportunities to develop character and community, both in the academic and social environments. She was a champion of our school’s social justice, sustainability, and service learning programs.”
When asked about her best memories at Poly, Brogdon said, “There are too many to choose from! I think some of my fondest memories are from the overnights I was able to attend: zip lining with kids, dancing on a boat in New York harbor and cooking at the soup kitchen.” Clearly Brogdon will be dearly missed and her contributions to Poly will not be forgotten.
“I will miss Poly more than words can describe and I thank the stars that I have so many memories and friendships to take with me.”

Katie Futterman is one of the Editors in Chief of the Polygon. She started writing in freshman year and was the managing editor her junior year. Outside...

Julia Zrihen ‘20 is the current Editor in Chief of the Polygon. She has been writing for the newspaper since ninth grade. At Poly, she is the president...